Some of you may have seen information on the news about the latest threat to hit the Internet. The latest Ransomware strain, named Bad Rabbit by its creator, has already caused enough damage that a European news agency was completely disabled and had to send out news updates on Facebook alone. Ransomware, notoriously nasty for its clinically effective method of separating you from your money, has been around for years but, as always, the bad guys have nothing to but figure out new ways to accomplish that task.
Below is the information sent out over mass email today with instructions for safely handling pop-ups and email attachments. Both have become the preferred method of delivering nasty-ware to your Apple or Windows PC – and yes, that’s correct. Apples are not impervious to infection. Please read the info to the end, and remember – when in doubt, throw it out.
You can find safe links to update your Adobe Reader or Flash installation on this site, click here to go to the page.
There is a new threat that has already been detected in the US. The latest Ransomware virus, named Bad Rabbit by its creators, is a variation of the Petya bug that made the news last year. However, this variation is more dangerous and could be more costly.
So far, most reported cases have come from fake Adobe Reader or Adobe Flash update pop-up messages. Although these pop-ups appear to be the most popular delivery method at the moment, that could quickly change. Trust Nothing!!!
Adobe has stopped alerting computer users of Reader and Flash updates by using pop-up messages, which means ANY pop-up you see regarding either product will absolutely be fake. If you see a pop-up message asking you to update any product at all, not just Reader and Flash, do not trust it.
It’s also important not to click on the pop-up. Do not click on ANY buttons, such as OK or Cancel, or even the X in the top right corner. The safest way to bypass a pop-up without potentially launching a nasty little surprise is to kill your computer and restart.
If you cannot click on the Start Button and select Restart from the options list, hold the computer’s power button in until it shuts down. Wait a couple of minutes, then hit the power button again to turn it back on.
If the pop-up returns when the computer restarts turn the computer back off and call a professional. If it doesn’t return you are probably safe. If you have any doubts at all, please shut the computer down and have a professional check it out.
Remember – when in doubt, throw it out. Do not trust any link or attachment in any email unless you are 100% certain you know where it came from, and why you received it. Do not trust any pop-up message, especially if it’s bright red and takes over your entire screen asking you to call a number.
When in doubt, throw it out. Do not forward emails to other people and ask if they are Ok, if you do that you double the chance of someone clicking an infected link. Delete the message and ask the sender if they really sent it.
Remember – trust NOTHING. Click nothing. Do not open unknown attachments. If you do, a nasty little rabbit might hop out and make our lives miserable and expensive.
When in doubt, throw it out.
Be safe out there…